Dude, It's A golf Outing

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Dude Charity is proud to present our "Dude, It's A Golf Outing" fundraiser raising money for the Charities we support.
The Founding Dudes want to make this the, "MOST FUNNEST golf outing in Central Ohio." We plan to do something a little goofy on each hole or what we like to call "Dudely Golf." We will have "Mark It An Eight Dude" meaning only being able to use your 8 Iron on Hole #8. There will be some ringers, some bowling and some interesting putting. We're bringing back out the Shortest Drive to go along with the usual superlatives. We want get some gambling going out on the course. You can go to any golf outing and just play golf. We want this to be a Dude Charity experience like none other.
Dude, it's a Golf Outing is at Wyandot Golf Course on August 27th. $300 per team includes round of golf, dinner on the 19th green and all the fun in between. Contact Zac Cooperrider at dudecharity@gmail.com or 740-817-2428 for registration or questions. The Dudes Abide!